Maintenance & Fault Clearance
for your Infrastructure
We support you in guaranteeing frictionless operations at all of your locations.
Minimize downtime everywhere
We organize professional, periodic maintenance of your nationwide IT systems to ensure smooth workflows at all of your places of business. And if a system does fail, our network of more than 300 specialists is close by to guarantee quick and reliable fault clearance – if necessary, on the same day the issue is reported.
WeiterlesenSame Day Logistics
It’s not just our technicians that are available everywhere in Germany—we run storage facilities at strategic locations, so your critical components are available at short notice wherever they might be needed. That way, our technicians have everything they need when attending any of your locations the same day an issue is reported.
Transparency and Documentation
All maintenance and fault-clearing procedures are always visible to you and are clearly documented. You find all the relevant information in a clear and easy to understand format in our browser-based workflow management tool Cervis insight.
Networked Learning
If one specialist at one location solves a tricky issue, the solution is instantly available to specialists at all other locations. This is possible thanks to the documentation of all the work in our Cervis app and an AI-based algorithm that determines what information is relevant to what technician at what point in time. This allows best practices to quickly spread through our network, so our technicians get to know your individual challenges faster.
Precise Processes and Compliance
We are the perfect partner for ensuring compliance with all rules and regulations regarding maintenance at all of your places of business. Digital checklists allow you to direct what needs to be checked on-site and when. All work is documented in a DSGVO-compliant cloud system that is hosted in Germany.